computer posture

/Tag:computer posture

Best Way To Improve Posture

There is really only one way to improve posture, and I can say it in one word: The Alexander Technique. Ok, that’s three words, but one idea. Most people think they know how to improve posture, but it is not the best way to improve posture, nor is it a permanent way to improve posture. Here’s what most of us know about improving posture: ‘stand up straight!’ ‘Sit up straight!’ We’ve all heard things like ‘suck your stomach in, push your chest out, put your shoulders back, stick your chin back’ etc. This is not the way to improve posture. This is a way to have military posture...

The Alexander Technique is just what the doctor (would have) ordered

The Alexander Technique is just what the doctor would order, if he knew about it. What does the doctor order? For back pain or neck pain, the doctor might order X Rays or an MRI, which could be helpful. She might write a prescription for pain medication or muscle relaxers which are sometimes helpful, sometimes harmful. He might order physical therapy which can be helpful, or harmful. An orthopedist or neurologist might propose surgery which is sometimes helpful, sometimes harmful. She may suggest yoga, pilates, massage, rolfing, and other well-intentioned modalities, which are sometimes helpful, sometimes harmful. And, finally, some doctors recommend the Alexander Technique, which is just about never harmful, and often extremely helpful...

The Alexander Technique and the Starbucks Slump

Got my own small table by a window. I saw the usual array of cell phones, tablets, laptops, and slumping people. People collapse towards devices as if they're bowing down to them. It's the Alexander Technique in reverse, the Alexander Technique backwards, the Alexander Technique gone terribly wrong. There was a young woman, tall, sitting [...]

Poor Posture Increases Pain Sensitivity

Here is a post from Psych Central. This is something Alexander Technique teachers have known for years (about 115 years) It concerns posture and it's effects on pain. While it doesn't address the how of achieving good posture, it does speak to the effects of poor posture on pain. There is also another element: poor posture can cause pain. I see it every day when giving Alexander Technique lessons. One of the big culprits for back pain and neck pain is the computer...

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