Alexander Technique- doctor's ordersThe Alexander Technique and Doctors.

The Alexander Technique is just what the doctor would order, if he knew about it.

What does the doctor order?

For back pain or neck pain, the doctor might order X Rays or an MRI, which could be helpful.

She might write a prescription for pain medication or muscle relaxers which are sometimes helpful, sometimes harmful.

He might order physical therapy which can be helpful, or harmful.

An orthopedist or neurologist might propose surgery which is sometimes helpful, sometimes harmful.

She may suggest yoga, pilates, massage, rolfing, and other well-intentioned modalities, which are sometimes helpful, sometimes harmful.

And, finally, some doctors recommend the Alexander Technique, which is just about never harmful, and often extremely helpful.

The Alexander Technique and Back Pain.

The Alexander Technique is for people suffering with neck pain or back pain, because the Alexander Technique gets to the cause of the pain.The cause of the pain is often slumping, leading to spinal compression.

What is the the lasting remedy for someone suffering from back pain due slumping at the computer all day? Learn how to stop slumping at the computer all day.

When you continually slump at the computer you begin to slump at times when you’re not at the computer. Your routine, your postural habit, will be to slump. You’ll slump when you are standing, walking, sitting, surfing the web, watching a movie, eating dinner, hanging out with friends, and on and on.

Drugs, surgery, exercises, and massage have the potential to temporarily stop the pain, but to get to the root cause of the problem one needs to stop this harmful slumping habit and replace it. The Alexander Technique helps you develop the habit of carrying yourself in a more upright, yet relaxed way.

Use the Alexander Technique for Better Computer Posture

When you’re seated at the computer, start by letting go of the muscles in your neck. It is out of the norm to be aware of these muscles, but you get better at noticing these muscles with practice. When muscles work they shorten, so as you release these muscles they will lengthen. Your head will stop compressing down on your spine, and instead will go up, leading your entire spine with it. At the same time, think of your sitting bones going down into the chair. You are going up and down at the same time. Then, as your hands reach for the computer keyboard, just think of moving your fingertips. They will lead the action, and the shoulders will be activated only when necessary. You will have better computer posture, but using only as much muscular effort as needed. You will not be slumping, nor using unsustainable military posture.

Your back pain and neck pain will be diminished, which is just what the doctor would have ordered.

By Mark Josefsberg-Alexander Technique NYC