Alexander Technique In The Bathroom

Since becoming a full-time Alexander teacher in 2003, I've taught the Alexander Technique in settings including classrooms, libraries, homes, cars, community centers, hospitals, physical therapy offices, health food stores, neurologists offices, music schools, music studios, office cubicles, colleges, Broadway theatres, and gyms. Today I taught the Alexander Technique in a men's room...

Alexander Technique In The Kitchen

At our recent Alexander Technique lesson, one of my Alexander Technique students told me she noticed how much extra effort she was using while chopping vegetables. Under normal circumstances we are not angry at vegetables. Next time you’re cutting something, take a moment and pause. Notice the grip you are using while holding the knife. If you are gripping more than necessary...

Alexander Technique And The Dentist

I had an unusual teaching day last week as three of my Alexander Technique students told me they were going to the dentist. I don’t mean they were all going to the dentist together, but separately, and coincidentally. Since two of the three are dealing with neck pain, and the third with shoulder pain, we discussed how the Alexander Technique could help them during their visit. We first spoke about the stress...

Alexander Technique and Back Pain Relief

...the Alexander Method, however, works differently. Though with Alexander Technique lessons back pain relief is sometimes quickly and dramatically gained, Alexander's simple method gets more to the root of the back pain. And the root of the problem, quite often, is us. Back pain (and neck pain) is exacerbated by compressing our spines all day and all night long. We slump at out computers (like now?)...

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