The Alexander Technique–Embraceable You

Tension While thinking about a future event that may or may not happen, I noticed I was physically bracing. My habit, (along with my unhealthy obsession with porcelain poodles), involves some tightening in my jaw, my neck, and a slight raising of my left shoulder. How about you? And while I'm asking, how does anxiety, boredom, [...]

Alexander Technique, Stress, Posture, and Change.

Human beings have the (unfortunate) ability to experience stress, with all its physical manifestations, even before a stressful event has taken place. And, just by thinking, we can re-experience the stress response months or years after a past event. And it's oddly comfortable, like a good slump. It's familiar. It's who we are. It's a habit. Bi-directional [...]

How To Reduce Neck Pain

I have a stiff neck. We say we have a stiff or sore neck, as if someone gave it to us and now it’s ours. In Alexander Technique terms it might be more accurate to say “I’m stiffening my neck.” Of course if you say it that way you sound insane...

Alexander Technique Helps Loosen Your Grip

Alexander Technique and Gripping Let go with the Alexander Technique. The Alexander Technique helps us become aware of muscular tension, that sometimes takes the form of gripping. We grip with our fingers. We grip with our jaw. We grip with our toes. We grip our torsos with our elbows, and grip our legs [...]

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