bad posture

/Tag:bad posture

Alexander Technique and Back Pain Relief

...the Alexander Method, however, works differently. Though with Alexander Technique lessons back pain relief is sometimes quickly and dramatically gained, Alexander's simple method gets more to the root of the back pain. And the root of the problem, quite often, is us. Back pain (and neck pain) is exacerbated by compressing our spines all day and all night long. We slump at out computers (like now?)...

Alexander Technique Posture

Alexander Technique teachers help you improve your posture, but not your military posture. Alexander Technique good posture feels good; military posture, not so much. Military posture requires a lot. You have to throw your shoulders back, suck your stomach in, stick your chin back, thrust your chest out; stiffen up. That's a lot of throwing, sticking, sucking, thrusting, and stiffening.

Musicians: The Alexander Technique came about cause a guy wanted to keep on gigging.

The Alexander Technique is useful for everyone but especially valuable for musicians. If you slump in front of you computer, you may 'just' cause yourself discomfort, pain or worse. If you slump at your instrument, whether sitting or standing, you may be causing additional difficulties. When slumping we may not be getting the best sound vocally or instrumentally. The combination of our misuse plus the demands of...

The Alexander Technique and the Starbucks Slump

Got my own small table by a window. I saw the usual array of cell phones, tablets, laptops, and slumping people. People collapse towards devices as if they're bowing down to them. It's the Alexander Technique in reverse, the Alexander Technique backwards, the Alexander Technique gone terribly wrong. There was a young woman, tall, sitting [...]

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