bad posture

/Tag:bad posture

Alexander Technique Computer Break

...People unfamiliar with an Alexander Technique computer break may take their hands off the computer keyboard, shake them, roll their head around, stretch, only to begin again where they left off. To get out of their computer slump they sit up as straight as possible. When that gets too tiring, which may take a few seconds or a few minutes, they'll go back to their habitual collapse. On and on, slumping, sitting up straight, then slumping again. And slumping wins...

Best Way To Improve Posture

There is really only one way to improve posture, and I can say it in one word: The Alexander Technique. Ok, that’s three words, but one idea. Most people think they know how to improve posture, but it is not the best way to improve posture, nor is it a permanent way to improve posture. Here’s what most of us know about improving posture: ‘stand up straight!’ ‘Sit up straight!’ We’ve all heard things like ‘suck your stomach in, push your chest out, put your shoulders back, stick your chin back’ etc. This is not the way to improve posture. This is a way to have military posture...

The Alexander Technique and the Museum Walk

In 1998, just prior to learning the Alexander Technique, I developed severe, debilitating neck pain. This pain, which started in my hand, lasted months. It was caused by hunching over my musical instrument, for decades. I tried just about everything for relief, and was even contemplating risky neck surgery. One of the worst times during the day was when I had to walk. Although I was walking as smoothly as possible, every step brought spinal compression which was excruciating...

What Is The Alexander Technique?

  What is the Alexander Technique? The Alexander Technique is difficult to categorize or define, partly  because it helps people in diverse ways. However, most people seek Alexander Technique lessons for three main reasons: 1. They want to improve their posture. 2. They want neck and back pain relief. 3. They want to have better [...]

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