

Alexander Technique—Pace Yourself

By | February 19th, 2016|Categories: Alexander Technique Posts|Tags: , |

Sometimes, when I’m trying to figure something out, (or thinking about an Alexander Technique blog- like now) I'll notice that I’m pacing around my apartment. My apartment is so small the mice walk around round-shouldered. [...]

Alexander Technique—Getting back to back back and back back and up.

By | December 17th, 2015|Categories: Alexander Technique Posts|Tags: , |

Alexander Technique teachers routinely talk about directing your back to be back and up. Some Alexander teachers prefer the direction: torso back and up. Either way, letting your back to go back and up includes [...]

Alexander Lessons—Do Less less, Les

By | November 3rd, 2015|Categories: Back Pain Relief|Tags: , |

Alexander teachers say "Do Less". Alexander Technique teachers have said to me: "See if you can do less here", while touching my lower back. To a degree I interpreted that to mean "don't do anything". [...]


By | July 25th, 2015|Categories: Alexander Technique Posts|

Receive free Alexander Technique tips, lessons, reminders, and exercises emailed every two week . These instructive tips are short, to the point, and practical. The principles you learn are designed to be incorporated into your daily life. [...]

Alexander Technique, Stress, Posture, and Change.

By | May 26th, 2015|Categories: Tension & Stress|Tags: , |

Human beings have the (unfortunate) ability to experience stress, with all its physical manifestations, even before a stressful event has taken place. And, just by thinking, we can re-experience the stress response months or years [...]

5 Alexander Technique Exercises

By | March 19th, 2015|Categories: Alexander Technique Posts|Tags: |

When you see the word exercise, do you imagine exercises like lifting weights, jogging, or calisthenics? Those exercises increase strength and endurance, and you can use the Alexander Technique as you do them, but Alexander [...]

7 Computer Posture Tips

By | February 26th, 2015|Categories: Better Posture|Tags: , |

Tip #1.  Don't slump, and don't sit up straight.   Sitting up straight doesn't work. You know cause you've tried it. Forget all that "stomach in, chest out" "tuck your chin in" junk. It might [...]

5 Tips for Better Posture and Back Pain Relief

By | December 12th, 2014|Categories: Back Pain Relief, Popular Articles|Tags: , , |

Ease up. Let go of any tension in your neck muscles. Your head will slightly rotate forward, and the crown of your head goes up. Feel your sit bones go down into the [...]

How To Reduce Neck Pain

By | December 10th, 2014|Categories: Back Pain Relief|Tags: , |

I have a stiff neck. We say we have a stiff or sore neck, as if someone gave it to us and now it’s ours. In Alexander Technique terms it might be more accurate to say “I’m stiffening my neck.” Of course if you say it that way you sound insane...

Back Pain Relief

By | November 12th, 2014|Categories: Back Pain Relief, Popular Articles|Tags: , |

Sitting can be a painful position for someone with low back pain because of the added spinal pressure, and compression. We tend to slump; putting ourselves in a ‘C curve’. Sometimes, in order not to slump, we sit up rigidly straight with what we think of as ‘good posture.’...