Alexander Technique Posts

/Alexander Technique Posts

Every post in this site is related to the Alexander Technique. These posts don’t fit into any other specific category.

When To Stop Alexander Technique Lessons

Starting and Stopping Alexander Technique Lessons. Q. How do you know when to stop taking Alexander Technique lessons? A. You stop taking Alexander lessons anytime you want. People seek out Alexander Technique teachers for different reasons, including back pain relief, neck pain relief, posture improvement, or stress reduction. Since Alexander Technique students often derive expected [...]

Alexander for a Yogi

by Alex Curtis   Just as my life was getting better, my body got worse. I was new to New York this September, and as I arrived I did the requisite looking-for-a-day-job and finally had pulled together enough odd-jobs to make my rent. I was a yoga instructor by day, a cater waiter at night, [...]

Alexander Technique Uninhibited Inhibition In Paris

One of my Alexander Technique students just returned from Paris. He described visiting a museum called "Musee L'Orangerie". Before you enter the main part of the museum, you enter an entirely white room. The room was designed by Monet to serve as a decompression chamber between the bustle of the city and his work (the Waterlilies). This entirely white, empty, 'pause' room is a great metaphor for Alexander Technique's inhibition...

F.M. Alexander (1969-?)

What if F.M. Alexander, the originator of the Alexander Technique, was born in 1969 in New York City, instead of 1869 in Tazmania? What would the Alexander Technique look like today? How would it differ? What can we learn about our habits and beliefs as Alexander Technique teachers and students?

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