Alexander Technique NowI was late. As I left my apartment I noticed that I was hunching forward, projecting myself (my neck) forward, as if that were going to get me to my destination faster. It didn’t.

It doesn’t.

It won’t.

It can’t.



Forward head posture.


Neck-poking is also known as “forward head posture”. It is part of a set of muscular tensions which merge with and intensify mental stresses, producing feelings of nervousness, anxiety, and urgency. Slumping forward (perhaps at the computer) also arises from or intensifies tiredness, boredom, apathy, feeling down, giving up, and giving in. These actions/feelings/emotions become unconscious and habitual.


Fixing posture; Improving Posture.


“Fixing posture”, or “improving posture” can be exhausting, and adds muscular tension instead of reducing it. Stress, nervousness, and anxiety are not addressed.


You lose.


When you project yourself and your neck forward, you lose the present moment.

You lose any feelings of calmness.

You lose freedom.

You lose control.

You lose you.

You lose.


You win.


Alexander Technique tools enable you to make powerful all-encompassing mind/body changes in an instant; in a flash; Fast as lightening.


You’ll get there when you get there.


Allow a smile to happen.

Let go of your neck muscles; especially the powerful muscles in the back of your neck.

Let your head move up.

Breathe fully and easily.

Let your head take your body up too.

Let go of any gripping in your jaw.

Be here now; You’ll get there when you get there.

Mark Josefsberg-Alexander Technique NYC

(917) 709-4648