

My Alexander Technique Book

I want to write a book on the Alexander Technique, but I don't even know how to start. I could start with what I’ve already written, print it out, and organize it in neat piles if my cat allows it. Is that the beginning of a book? I'll need a cover. I could probably make one [...]

Alexander Technique and Rubber Bands

Our habits are like rubber bands, exerting a constant pull. The deeper the habit, the stronger the pull...

Alexander Technique—The Missing Link

Alexander Technique-The Missing Link Although best known for improving posture and diminishing back pain and neck tension, the Alexander Technique involves changing one's habitual responses. Mind and body are inseparable, and our responses have mental and physical components. The Alexander Technique entry point is primarily on the body side. When we speak about [...]

Alexander Technique Within and Without

Where would I be without the Alexander Technique?   Over fifteen years ago, hand and neck pain was dominating my life. The pain came on quickly, and persisted. Once it began, hardly a minute went by where I wasn’t thinking about pain, numbness, and tingling in my right hand, and severe pain in my neck. [...]

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