good posture

/Tag:good posture

Alexander Technique Correct Posture

"A correct position or posture indicates a fixed position, and a person held to a fixed position cannot grow, as we understand growth. The correct position today cannot be the correct position a week later for any person who is advancing in the work of reeducation and coordination. F.M. Alexander- Constructive Conscious Control of the Individual During Alexander Technique lessons, people frequently sit up straight or move their head around and ask: is this right?" I answer differently in different situations, but the real answer might be: No. I don't say that because the...

How to Correct Sitting Posture

How can the Alexander Technique correct sitting posture? Let’s start with some Alexander Technique directions. We’ll start with ‘free your neck’. See if you can let go of some excess, unnecessary tension in your neck. Correct sitting posture starts with releasing these shortened muscles so that they can lengthen, letting your head move up so that you get taller. Let your head rotate slightly forward (lower your nose) and let the crown of your head move up...

Will The Alexander Technique Fix My Bad Posture?

The reason most people try to find an Alexander Technique teacher and start Alexander lessons is to fix their posture. Additionally, some may have made a connection between their poor posture and their neck pain or back pain. Having the motivation to fix posture is as good a reason as any to start studying the Alexander Technique. Not too far into the process of learning the Alexander Technique, however...

Alexander Technique And Acting

Working with NYC actors is similar to working with non-actors with a few significant differences. As with singers, the actors' body is his/her instrument. If your 'instrument' is being tensed or strained unconsciously, if you have a level of body un-awareness, you'll be less expressive at the very least. Actors I've worked with have told me that after our Alexander Technique lessons they're better able to approach roles and auditions with a blank slate. From that neutral place...

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