

Benefits and Uses of the Alexander Technique

Here is a post containing a few uses and benefits of the Alexander Technique. The Alexander Technique has approximately 64,326 uses, and 74,968 benefits, running the gamut from a to z. Here are a few random words and ideas in no particular order, with an Alexander Technique connection. abs- There's a very popular idea that it is important to have a firm, strong, 'core'. Pilates and other exercises help, and so can the Alexander Technique. When you apply the principles, you will be more effortlessly upright. The deep postural muscles...

Alexander Technique Therapy

New York seems to have shorter and shorter Springs every year. It's April 19th, 2009 and one of the first warm weekends of the year. So I decided to spend it in the Emergency Room at Elmhurst hospital. I stubbed my toe pretty badly on Saturday and now it has the color and size of an eggplant. The Alexander Technique comes into play...

Alexander Technique Is Holistic

In Man's Supreme Inheritance by F.M.Alexander, (the 'Alexander' in the Alexander Technique) writes..."a human being functions as a whole and can only be functionally changed as a whole." In my Alexander Technique teaching here in NYC this is illuminated countless times. People get the mistaken impression that their back pain has nothing to do with their neck, their neck pain has nothing to do with their jaw, their hand pain has nothing to do with their overall tension, and their shallow breathing has nothing to do with their job...

The Alexander Technique And Ergonomics

When a company hires ergonomic specialists, at great expense, they will come into your workplace and make some observations. They will determine whether the furniture is ergonomically sound, and set up properly. For example, they may say that the chairs’ backs are at too great an angle, which they say will cause back pain. They [...]

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