Back Pain

/Tag:Back Pain

Poor Posture Increases Pain Sensitivity

Here is a post from Psych Central. This is something Alexander Technique teachers have known for years (about 115 years) It concerns posture and it's effects on pain. While it doesn't address the how of achieving good posture, it does speak to the effects of poor posture on pain. There is also another element: poor posture can cause pain. I see it every day when giving Alexander Technique lessons. One of the big culprits for back pain and neck pain is the computer...

Alexander Technique Back Pain Study

  Here is yet another study showing how effective the Alexander Technique is for back pain relief. The article’s name says it all: Long Term Relief. The Alexander Technique provides a long-term solution for back pain because it changes long-term habits. Our postural habits cause our neck tension and back pain, so the Alexander Technique [...]

Alexander Technique News

Beyond the Pill: Physicians' Trend for 2013 -By Dr. Loren Fishman Medical Director of Manhattan Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in New York City. Huffington Post- January 9th, 2013 (Scroll towards the bottom to read Dr. Fishman's words about the Alexander Technique) One of the big health trends for 2013 is drug companies and insurance giants [...]

How to Correct Sitting Posture

How can the Alexander Technique correct sitting posture? Let’s start with some Alexander Technique directions. We’ll start with ‘free your neck’. See if you can let go of some excess, unnecessary tension in your neck. Correct sitting posture starts with releasing these shortened muscles so that they can lengthen, letting your head move up so that you get taller. Let your head rotate slightly forward (lower your nose) and let the crown of your head move up...

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