

What Does The Alexander Technique Do?

The Alexander Technique calms you down as it wakes you up. The Alexander Technique lets you know what you already knew but forgot so that you can remember it when you forget it again. It gives some un-namable things names, reinforced by a guiding touch. The Alexander Technique gives you words, strategies and directions to get the feelings you want. It opens you up. All you have to do is think of it. The Alexander Technique has plenty of side effects, only they're all good ones...

Catching Yourself Doing The Alexander Technique

Many times people say to me 'I did ok this week, Alexander Techniquewise, but I caught myself a few times.' There can be a negative connotation to 'catching oneself ', but there doesn't have to be. In fact catching yourself slumping or sitting up rigidly straight is really a positive thing. It's at those moments where you can employ the principles of the Alexander Technique and make positive changes. As you catch yourself, you're becoming aware; you're waking up. Additionally...

How Does The Alexander Technique Work?

Yesterday a student told me that he thought it 'took energy' to sit or stand using the principles of the Alexander Technique. If he just sat the way he always sat, he said, it took very little effort and felt comfortable. I can't disagree that it is comfortable to sit, stand, move and walk in our habitual way. A lot of our habits, though comfortable, aren't beneficial for us. Slumping is one of those habits, and slumping also takes energy because...

Alexander Technique NYC

It's hard to know how fast and crazy everything around a large city can be, until you leave it. I think it's comparable to people at the beginning of Alexander Technique lessons not realizing how much they're tensing themselves, until they release that tension... It also made me realize that I want to take some of that calm energy back with me as I teach my Alexander Technique lessons in NYC.

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