

Alexander Technique Awareness

By | October 14th, 2016|Categories: Alexander Technique Posts|Tags: , , |

The Alexander Technique has three main pillars: Awareness, Inhibition, and Direction (AID) Inhibition. Leave a gap-don't react. Listen for the space between the notes. Direction. Alexander Technique directions are unique [...]

Alexander Technique Decisions

By | August 14th, 2016|Categories: Alexander Technique Posts|Tags: , , |

You've got no choice with the Alexander Technique Once you know some Alexander Technique, you're not going to want to make major decisions without it. And once you know enough [...]

Use the Alexander Technique as you Wish

By | June 20th, 2016|Categories: Alexander Technique Posts|

Use the Alexander Technique any way you want; there are no right or wrong ways, no one application or reason to learn is better than any other. Apply it to [...]

Alexander Technique Re-Connection

By | March 10th, 2016|Categories: Alexander Technique Posts|Tags: |

Control yourself. The Alexander Technique helps us re-establish a lost connection with our own body; giving us both freedom and control. We learn to get "in touch", with ourselves; a [...]

Alexander Technique—Pace Yourself

By | February 19th, 2016|Categories: Alexander Technique Posts|Tags: , |

Sometimes, when I’m trying to figure something out, (or thinking about an Alexander Technique blog- like now) I'll notice that I’m pacing around my apartment. My apartment is so small [...]

Alexander Technique—Getting back to back back and back back and up.

By | December 17th, 2015|Categories: Alexander Technique Posts|Tags: , |

Alexander Technique teachers routinely talk about directing your back to be back and up. Some Alexander teachers prefer the direction: torso back and up. Either way, letting your back to [...]

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