Alexander Lessons—Do Less less, Les

Alexander teachers say "Do Less". Alexander Technique teachers have said to me: "See if you can do less here", while touching my lower back. To a degree I interpreted that to mean "don't do anything". After all, the Alexander Technique is a non-doing technique, right? But if I really don't do anything I'll stay right [...]


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Alexander Technique, Stress, Posture, and Change.

Human beings have the (unfortunate) ability to experience stress, with all its physical manifestations, even before a stressful event has taken place. And, just by thinking, we can re-experience the stress response months or years after a past event. And it's oddly comfortable, like a good slump. It's familiar. It's who we are. It's a habit. Bi-directional [...]

5 Alexander Technique Exercises

When you see the word exercise, do you imagine exercises like lifting weights, jogging, or calisthenics? Those exercises increase strength and endurance, and you can use the Alexander Technique as you do them, but Alexander Technique exercises have different goals. Alexander Technique exercises reduce stress and tension, rather than increase it. "No pain–Only gain." Alexander [...]

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