Mark Josefsberg

/Mark Josefsberg

About Mark Josefsberg

Mark has maintained a full-time Alexander Technique teaching practice in New York City and online since his national certification in 2003. He teaches online group classes and private lessons. Mark is a former faculty member of The American Center for the Alexander Technique (ACAT). Schedule a zoom class with Mark to see what the Alexander Technique can do for you. Click on SCHEDULING.

Alexander Technique Helps Loosen Your Grip

Alexander Technique and Gripping Let go with the Alexander Technique. The Alexander Technique helps us become aware of muscular tension, that sometimes takes the form of gripping. We grip with our fingers. We grip with our jaw. We grip with our toes. We grip our torsos with our elbows, and grip our legs [...]

Alexander Technique Computer Posture

Alexander Technique teachers instruct, demonstrate, and coach people how to use the computer without injury. If people are in pain we teach them how to stop injuring themselves, and the steps to take to allow the body to heal. Let's try something right now. See if you can notice any tension in your neck. It's there, though you may not be able to sense it right away. You can learn to let these muscles go. If you release your neck muscles, your head will rotate forward, and move up. You could think this way: I want my neck to be free so that my head will move forward and up. This 'forward' business doesn't mean forward as in your face moving towards the screen...

Alexander Technique Inhibition-Just Say Yes.

Just Say No to Inhibition.   Inhibition: A feeling that makes one self-conscious and unable to act in a relaxed and natural way. Shyness, reticence, self-consciousness, reserve, diffidence; wariness, hesitancy, hesitation, insecurity; timidity; repression, reservation; psychological block; informal hang-up. Hindrance, hampering, discouragement, obstruction, impediment, suppression, repression, restriction, restraint, constraint, cramping, stifling, prevention; curb, check, bar, [...]

The Alexander Technique-images, observations, connections

 Listening, observing, and connecting   Alexander Technique practice can be enhanced by listening, observing, and making connections to non-Alexander Technique sources including frogs, football players, dolphins, wind, and waves.     Cats inhibit, football players inhibit, and frogs inribit.   Cats are professionals when it comes to inhibition. When they pounce, they wait for just the [...]

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