Yearly Archives: 2011


Will the Alexander Technique Fix my Posture, or just expand my consciousness?

The Alexander Technique is transformative.   The Alexander Technique improves your posture and, in the process, transforms you. It  changes your well-worn-form from the outside in and the inside out. The Alexander Technique is not about posturing, posing, or even getting something right. It's a process, and your posture (the way you use your body and [...]

Alexander Technique and Exercise

Exercise: Something that is done or practiced to develop a particular skill. Exercising, or working out is great for you, especially if you employ the Alexander Technique while exercising. I love to see the gym, in my rearview mirror. Exercise promotes health of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, digestive, musculoskeletal, and hormonal systems. Exercise can reduce [...]

F.M. Alexander, Lennie Tristano, and Freedom

F.M. Alexander and Lennie Tristano F.M Alexander was born in 1869, and Lennie Tristano was born in 1919. F.M. was born in Tasmania, and Lennie in Chicago. Lennie Tristano created in the field of jazz, F.M. Alexander created in the field of human development. They both emphasized the importance of developing one's awareness, and shared [...]

Fear-less with Alexander Technique

Fear.   For many, fear is the worst. We're adverse to anger, sadness sucks, depression is disagreeable, and boredom is a burden, but fear is high on the list, or low on the list, of the negative emotions. . How can Alexander Technique help with fear?   In a word—uiquely, effectively, and on multiple mind/body [...]

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