Alexander Technique PostureThe Alexander Technique is transformative.


The Alexander Technique improves your posture and, in the process, transforms you. It  changes your well-worn-form from the outside in and the inside out. The Alexander Technique is not about posturing, posing, or even getting something right. It’s a process, and your posture (the way you use your body and your self,) improves. It involves the entire you—your neck, shoulders, back, jaw; your walking and your breathing. It affects your mood, attitude, viewpoint, patterns of thinking, and patterns of moving.

Learning the Alexander Technique for any reason—whether to change habitual reactions to a stimulus, to stop your back pain, or improve your posture—is transformative.


Expand your Self.


Expansion is a one-word-way to describe the Alexander Technique, and Self  is a word used by F.M. Alexander (as in his book “The Use of the Self”) to describe a person in his/her entirety. The Alexander Technique helps you expand your self.

Through simple, everyday actions, Alexander Technique students learn how they’ve been diminishing their capacity for change, and possibly harming themselves. They learn how to let go of their preserved, stagnant habits, while developing new more beneficial ones.


Holding On, Letting Go.


Thoughts, beliefs, ideas, and body parts can be held, gripped, petrified, and solidified.

“I’ve always had poor posture”, “my father also has a bad back”, “that’s just the way I am.”

Limiting beliefs, and their physical manifestations, undergo re-examination with the Alexander Technique, and detrimental patterns are replaced.

Mark Josefsberg-Alexander Technique-NYC

(917) 709-4648

Image Courtesy of Futuristic Background by Hyena Reality