What isn't the alexander TechniqueThe Alexander Technique is known for being the best method for improving posture. It is also recognized, and proven, to reduce back pain and neck tension. It helps with TMJ. It can alleviate sleep problems, breathing disorders, and helps people walk or jog with more ease. The Alexander Technique assists actors, musicians, and athletes. It makes everyday actions such as sitting at the computer more comfortable, and ultimately less painful.

People use it to relieve their stress. I’ve used it to help people alleviate PTSD symptoms. It helps drummers, lawyers, puppeteers, and surgeons. The Alexander Technique can relieve hip pain, shoulder pain, knee pain, and hand pain. Alexander students commonly report that this technique calms them down, while it cheers them up.

Breath work plays a large role in the Alexander Technique. As your breathing becomes fuller and slower, tension and stress diminish. And, since the Alexander Technique deals with our habitual reactions, we can even use it to change our ingrained responses to thoughts and ideas.


The Alexander Technique goes Loop-De-Loop


Neck tension, life tension, work tension. Physical tension causing mental tension; mental tension causing physical tension, and the loop goes on. Connections go from mind to body, and body to mind. Head to toe, and ear to ear, we are one; everything influencing everything else.

The Alexander Technique interrupts the loop. It enters on the body side, but concerns itself with the entire person, and affects the entire person.

Start with a simple direction; let your neck be free.

Mark Josefsberg-Alexander Technique NYC


(917) 709-4648

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