

Alexander Technique Inhibition

The Alexander Technique and habits of thought.   You may find yourself playing out some crazy future scenario that may or may not happen. You may find yourself criticizing yourself in a way you’d never criticize anyone else. You may find yourself ruminating about something over which you have no control.   Breathe… Smile… because [...]

Universal Inhibition

Alexander Technique's "inhibition" does not reside exclusively within the realm of the Alexander Technique. Inhibition is universal and timeless. It was not invented by anyone. It just was, and is. Inhibition is used by people from every walk of life, and by animals in every walk, swim, fly, and crawl of life...

Alexander Technique Lessons In Stopping

Sometimes in the early stages of Alexander Technique lessons, I might ask a student to ‘do nothing’ while they're lying on the massage table, or to 'let go' as I move their arm...I'm asking the Alexander Technique student (we're all Alexander Technique students) to inhibit. This isn't inhibition as in suppressing; it more has to do with stopping your initial response giving you a chance to do something in a new, conscious, beneficial way...

Alexander Technique Lessons In Stopping

Got an extra third of a second or so? You could use it by doing nothing. Not doing anything. Not doing the thing you were going to do, and instead doing something different. Or not that either. Your choice. It's your choice, if you stop your habitual, automatic response and choose. Mind the gap...

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