

Alexander Technique—What’s up?

Alexander Technique releases your emergency brake---by releasing your emergency neck. We tighten our neck when there's an emergency, and some of us live in a constant state of emergency. Our collapse starts from our neck and, we hold stress in our neck. It's fight or flight--- The stress is the fight, and the collapse is [...]

The Alexander Technique- Texting and Teeth Brushing

Early on in Alexander Technique lessons it comes as a shock to people when they realize that the simple acts of texting, typing, brushing (or putting on make-up, shaving, combing hair, putting on glasses, eating, and on and on), compresses the spine. Spinal compression for these everyday actions is both unnecessary and damaging. Then why do we do it? For a combination of reasons including imitation, laziness, boredom, or fatigue. This may result from being unmindful, inattentive, unobservant and unaware. With repetition, it becomes a habit. It becomes how we do everthing; We start any motion with spinal compression...

How to Correct Sitting Posture

How can the Alexander Technique correct sitting posture? Let’s start with some Alexander Technique directions. We’ll start with ‘free your neck’. See if you can let go of some excess, unnecessary tension in your neck. Correct sitting posture starts with releasing these shortened muscles so that they can lengthen, letting your head move up so that you get taller. Let your head rotate slightly forward (lower your nose) and let the crown of your head move up...

Use The Alexander Technique

"How can I use the Alexander Technique in my life?" I hear this question, and versions of it, frequently at Alexander Technique lessons. It's really a great question and gets to the heart of the matter of the benefits of the Alexander Technique. The Alexander Technique is done as you think about it. If you're thinking about the principles of the Alexander Technique, you're using the Alexander Technique, or you're doing the technique, or you're practicing the technique, or you're performing the technique, or you're applying the technique, or you're incorporating the Alexander Technique into your life. As an Alexander Technique teacher I emphasize awareness of initiating movement; how you start actions like moving your hands, initiating walking, so...

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