Cost of Alexander Technique lessons

Alexander Technique lessons—Worth the cost

How Much Do Alexander Technique Lessons Cost?

Alexander Technique lessons costs vary greatly. The cost of lessons vary depending on location. There are Alexander Technique teachers from countries all over the world, and money systems are as varied as the countries. Within the the United States, location is again one of the determining factors of the cost of an Alexander Technique lesson. A lesson from an Alexander Technique teacher in a small town will probably cost less than one from a larger city.

Another factor in the cost of an Alexander Technique lesson is whether it’s a private Alexander Technique lesson, or a group Alexander Technique lesson. Alexander Technique group lessons may cost half of what a private lesson costs. Additionally, Alexander Technique group lesson costs will vary according to the size of the group.  Smaller groups offer more personal attention than larger ones, so Alexander Technique small groups may cost more than larger groups.

Another determining factor in how much Alexander Technique lessons cost is the experience of the teacher. Some teachers teach very part-time, perhaps only a few lessons per week. Those lessons may cost less than they would from a teacher who is a full-time Alexander Technique teacher.

Alexander Technique teachers should be certified, having completed at least a three-year training course. Beyond that, Alexander Technique lessons cost more from teachers who have been teaching longer.

Some Alexander Technique teachers offer packages, which lowers the cost. (I do) Some teachers offer a sliding scale. (I do)

Click HERE for “7 Tips forBetter Computer Posture”. At the bottom of the post is a list of world wide Alexander Technique teaching societies.

My current fee schedule for private lessons, small group classes:  Lessons/Classes/Fees

Mark Josefsberg-Alexander Technique NYC

(917) 709-4648

Image Courtest of “Green Shoots” by graur codrin