Benefits of the Alexander TechniqueWhat are the benefits of the Alexander Technique? What is the Alexander Technique used for?

The Alexander Technique has approximately 64,326 uses, and 74,968 benefits, running the gamut from A to Z. I thought of a few random words, in no particular order, and made an Alexander Technique connection.

abs- Having a firm, strong ‘core’ is very much in vogue. People want to have ‘six-pack’ abs, or at least reduce the size of the keg. Pilates and other exercises help, and so can the Alexander Technique. When you apply your Alexander Technique principles, you will be more effortlessly upright. Your deep postural muscles, which include your core, will be activated just about all the time. It’s as if you’re doing a mild core exercise, but eighteen hours a day. The Alexander Technique intertwines beautifully with Pilates, yoga, or any other modality or exercise form.

abandon- The Alexander Technique suggests we abandon old, rigid ideas about posture. The idea to sit up straight, stand up straight, stomach in, chest out, shoulders back is military posture. It just doesn’t work because you are adding extra tension, and you won’t maintain it.

ability- The Alexander Technique helps you improve your abilities in speaking, playing an instrument, playing sports, as well as everyday movements such as walking, bending, or using the computer. You increase your ability to stop slumping, and to stop causing self-inflicted injuries (neck pain, back pain, etc.). With practice, you improve  your ability to apply the Alexander Technique in all aspects of your life.

abode- My students have told me that the Alexander Technique Technique helps them feel ‘more comfortable in their body’; more at home, wherever they are.

abolish- F.M. Alexander said that when you stop doing the wrong things, the right things do themselves. If we abolish our old detrimental habits, new beneficial ones will be formed. The Alexander Technique is more about abolishing than constructing, more about subtraction than addition.

absence- Absence makes the heart grow fonder; especially the absence of pain. The Alexander Technique helps relieve back pain and neck pain like no other modality. Check out the British Medical Journal reporting on the efficacy of the Alexander Technique.

abroad- One of the great benefits of the Alexander Technique is that it is portable. Take it with you as you travel abroad, travel down the street, travel from the living room to the kitchen, or travel from one moment to the next. The Alexander Technique helps you soften your focus and have a broader outlook.

abstain- Once again, the idea isn’t to add a lot of new movements or exercises with the Alexander Technique; you just want to become more aware and abstain from the harmful movements including the downward, compressing, depressing, harmful movement of slumping.

abstract- The Alexander Technique is not about a lot of abstract theories. The Alexander Technique is simple, practical, proven, down-to-earth, and immediately usable.

abuse- We may not think of slumping at the computer as abusing the body, but if you start to suffer from neck pain, back pain, or hand pain, the abuse has become symptomatic.

acquire- By practicing the Alexander Technique you will acquire new, beneficial habits. People may notice your improved posture, you will notice a feeling of well-being.

act- Actors find the Alexander Technique especially helpful, as they use their physicality as a form of communication. I work with my acting students in order for them to approach a role from a neutral, non-tensed state.

acupuncture- Acupuncture and the Alexander Technique? They are not mutually exclusive. If you find acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, yoga, or any other modality helpful, by all means continue. The Alexander Technique will compliment these modalities.

addresses- The Alexander Technique addresses posture, neck pain, back pain, hand pain, shoulder pain, performance issues and breathing problems. The Alexander Technique addresses a whole host of other issues including mood, attitude, and viewpoint, because it addresses the whole person. My studio address is Balance Arts Center. 151 West 30th Street, Third floor.

adept- You get more adept at whatever you practice, including the Alexander Technique. You practice it anytime, anywhere you want, during the course of your day.

adopt- You will want to adopt the principles of the Alexander Technique as your own, because they work.

adverse- Adverse reactions to the Alexander Technique? No, but there are plenty of positive side effects.

after-glow- Although the Alexander Technique might not be therapy, there is a strong therapeutic element to it. A typical Alexander Technique lesson includes about twenty minutes with the student lying on a massage table. As you release excess tension in your muscles, you’ll feel relaxed and energized. The after-glow can last hours or days, but eventually it stays with you because you learn to apply the Alexander Technique yourself.

age- The Alexander Technique certainly can’t do anything about your age. However, it does help with some of the manifestations of aging including poor posture, compression, aches, and pains.

aha- Some of these moments are almost guaranteed to happen.

air- Obtaining full, free, natural breathing is a great benefit of the Alexander Technique. Improved breathing leads to a myriad of positive changes, including released muscular tension. The Alexander Technique was developed to help F.M. Alexander’s own vocal and breathing problems, though people know the Alexander Technique for fixing posture, and for pain relief.

alternative- Interesting that the Alexander Technique is considered to be an ‘alternative’ treatment for back pain. Conventional treatments include drugs, physical therapy, and surgery; with mixed results.

Mark Josefsberg-Alexander Technique NYC

Photo courtesy of“Hand Holding Benefits Buttons” by Photokanok

(917) 709-4648