Monthly Archives: February 2012


Alexander Technique Breathing

I am an Alexander Technique teacher in New York City, and Manhattan is about as far away as you can get from the stillness, calmness, and tranquility of the woods. Once in the woods I immediately notice the sounds- that peaceful, open sound of the wind moving the branches and leaves of the trees, or the sound of rushing water. I notice those sounds, and I notice the sound of my changed breathing. I hear an open 'ah' type sound, either said or whispered on an easy exhalation. I've noticed this sound with other people as well, in response to any calming, peaceful, beautiful, or awe-inspiring stimulus. This open 'ah' sound

How Can I Improve My Meditation Posture?

...Good posture while you meditate, or your meditation posture, can be a challenge for those new to meditation, as well as those more experienced with meditation. Improving one's Meditation posture is important for people who meditate for ten minutes, and those who meditate for hours. The Alexander Technique can help with meditation posture, as it helps with posture in general. In researching various instructions for proper meditation posture, a suggestion that keeps arising is ‘keep your spine straight.

Alexander Technique and Chairwork

Why Alexander Technique chairwork? How much time during the course of a day do we actually spend getting in and out of a chair? Probably just a few, so why do we Alexander Technique teachers place so much emphasis on this action? Why all this Alexander Technique chairwork? Because, depending on our choice of viewpoint, Alexander Technique chairwork covers a lot of territory. If we Alexander Technique teachers choose to regard it as more than just the act of sitting down and standing up...

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