Alexander Technique Lessons

A comprehensive overview of the techniques used during my classes.

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The Alexander Technique and posture, back pain, and neck tension

If you’ve landed here, it may be because you’re experiencing back pain, or neck tension. You’re not alone. You may have already guessed that for you and 75 per cent of your fellow sufferers, your aching back, your sore neck, is related to your posture. Your posture is defining you and determining your future for better or worse. You can change this trajectory. You can change your posture and in doing so change your life, and it can all begin with a lesson. That’s where I come in.

During Alexander lessons, you will receive hands-on guidance, combined with verbal cues. Part of the lesson occurs on a bodywork table, which students find relaxing yet invigorating. You release tension, which helps relieve back pain and neck pain.

As you study the Alexander Technique, you will learn to apply the principles to your everyday life. In this way, you are practicing the Alexander Technique throughout your day, and you get better at whatever you practice.

Whether you choose to learn the Alexander Technique by taking private lesson, or small group classes, the Alexander Technique will help you break the habit of slouching. Poor posture, as you may know, commonly results in neck tension, and back pain. Through Alexander Technique lessons, you will stop slumping (which compresses your spine), as you sit at the computer and as you go about your life. You learn to do everthing with more ease.

The Alexander Technique is a do it yourself, do it at home technique. You will be able to reduce excess tension on your own, anywhere and anytime. As you practice the Alexander Technique you will develop new habits. Fixing your posture gets to the source of common pain issues. The Alexander Technique is simple, and extremely effective.

Locations in NYC


Small Group Classes

  • 90 Minutes

Individual Lessons

  • 45 Minutes

5 Lesson Package

  • Save $25

10 Lesson Package

  • Save $100
Sliding scale and installments available for private lessons.
24 hour cancellation notice for private lessons please.
All payments can be made using checks, cash or Paypal.

How do I schedule a private lesson?

Just email or call me and we’ll find a mutually convenient time and location.
Group classes are held every Saturday, from 4:45-6:15PM.

(917) 709-4648

Group lessons
